Nodes is an outdoor living room at St. Lawrence Square where neighbors can connect to library resources and the internet, meet one another, and be engaged in their community.

︎︎︎ Get a Library Card

︎︎︎ Borrow Audiobooks + More

︎︎︎ Neighborhood Info.

︎︎︎ Use The Square

︎︎︎ Traducir el sitio con Google

Nodes is an outdoor living room at St. Lawrence Square where neighbors can connect to library resources and the internet, meet one another, and be engaged in their community.

︎︎︎ Get a Library Card

︎︎︎ Borrow Audiobooks + More

︎︎︎ Neighborhood Info.

︎︎︎ Use The Square

︎︎︎ Traducir el sitio con Google

Q4: What do you love most about your local library?

Selected Responses

Add your response
The free Wi-Fi.
Having places available to schedule private spaces for collaborations + the art, decorations and ambiance + friendly workers/volunteers/visitors
The energy, the people, the free activities.
The books.

Free meeting rooms!
I love that the books are FREE to borrow!
Free Parking!

The energy, the people, the free activities.
All of the amazing resources they provide to the community! Food for kids, connection to resources, many local programs are often onsite providing service (ex: QRT distributing naloxone, fentanyl test strips, and other supplies).