Nodes is an outdoor living room at St. Lawrence Square where neighbors can connect to library resources and the internet, meet one another, and be engaged in their community.

︎︎︎ Get a Library Card

︎︎︎ Borrow Audiobooks + More

︎︎︎ Neighborhood Info.

︎︎︎ Use The Square

︎︎︎ Traducir el sitio con Google

Nodes is an outdoor living room at St. Lawrence Square where neighbors can connect to library resources and the internet, meet one another, and be engaged in their community.

︎︎︎ Get a Library Card

︎︎︎ Borrow Audiobooks + More

︎︎︎ Neighborhood Info.

︎︎︎ Use The Square

︎︎︎ Traducir el sitio con Google

Q5: What do you wish for Price Hill?

Selected Responses

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Happy Kids.
Get rid of these crack head zombies.
I would wish for for everyone to love and care for each other again. Put down the guns.
Financially accessible co-working space - not library, not a coffee house. Service businesses like consulting, real estate businesses, etc. not just places that cater to people with lower income. Ice cream shop, subway restaurant.
Places for cross-cultural and cross-class connection. 

Rid P-Hill of the stank bitch prostitution.
I wish that everyone loved their neighbors. That everyone cared for and helped maintain safe, clean, welcoming spaces for every member of the community. I wish there was no judgement or hate. And that we all treated each other as we wish to be treated.
Safety and peace.

That all of the different organizations in Price Hill would collaborate with one another to empower their neighbors. We need to move away from charity models that make the givers feel good while the the recievers stay stuck.