Nodes is an outdoor living room at St. Lawrence Square where neighbors can connect to library resources and the internet, meet one another, and be engaged in their community.

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Nodes is an outdoor living room at St. Lawrence Square where neighbors can connect to library resources and the internet, meet one another, and be engaged in their community.

︎︎︎ Get a Library Card

︎︎︎ Borrow Audiobooks + More

︎︎︎ Neighborhood Info.

︎︎︎ Use The Square

︎︎︎ Traducir el sitio con Google

Q6: How would you use free public Wi-Fi?

Selected Responses

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I wouldn't, but many [people] would highly value it! Many of our friends who are living without a home do not have phones with a cellular data plan and need wi-fi to communicate with case managers, support services, and other necessary assistance that many of us underappreciate our access to.
Plenty of people have phones and no minutes, this would be helpful. I remember when some kids with almost no $ but phones would congregate outside a neighbor's house whose wi-fi wasn't passworded. Worth noting that Santa Maria had free wi-fi for a while that people could use on the perimeter of the building. I don't understand the technology exactly, maybe they didn't have appropriate firewalls or whatever, but ultimately they discontinued that because somehow people were "abusing" it by looking at things that messed up the wi-fi.
I would not. But my neighbors may need it for homework, looking up and making appointments, seeking jobs outside of walking distance.
Looking for a job, Helping people get off the street. Help the people that are homeless and hungry in some kinda way possible.

hacer descargas conectar me What’s App (Use What’s App)
Entertainment and funnes.
A job.
Find out where we can help the homeless. Helping people who are homeless, and hungry, in some way possible. 

Play pokemon.
Fuck Free Wi-Fi.
Watch Movies.