Nodes is an outdoor living room at St. Lawrence Square where neighbors can connect to library resources and the internet, meet one another, and be engaged in their community.

︎︎︎ Get a Library Card

︎︎︎ Borrow Audiobooks + More

︎︎︎ Neighborhood Info.

︎︎︎ Use The Square

︎︎︎ Traducir el sitio con Google

Nodes is an outdoor living room at St. Lawrence Square where neighbors can connect to library resources and the internet, meet one another, and be engaged in their community.

︎︎︎ Get a Library Card

︎︎︎ Borrow Audiobooks + More

︎︎︎ Neighborhood Info.

︎︎︎ Use The Square

︎︎︎ Traducir el sitio con Google

Q8: What makes a joy-filled party? 

Selected Responses

Share your response
Many different people.
Time spent with friends and family. 
Great music.
Lots of laughing.


Food, family, friend, fun.

All welcome.

Picnic fun.

Love, Laughter, & Food.

Love others. 

Laughter, dancing, chatter, food.
Lots of neighbors.
